What is npm?

Hello, Guys!👋
⌨️When we develop a project with Node.js, Angular, Reactjs and etc, we always use command named as following,
npm i <package name>
npm rebuild <package name>
npm uninstall <package name>
npm start
and etc which start with ‘npm’.
Now the question is what is npm?🤔 a lot of beginners develop different kinds of a lot of applications with Angular, react.js and etc. but they do not know that what is npm, and why npm. let’s find out that what is ‘npm’ and why is ‘npm’.🧐
According to the npm official documentation,
“npm is the world’s largest software registry. Open-source developers from every continent use npm to share and borrow packages and many organizations use npm to manage private development as well.”
Right guys let’s make it more clear!🧹
As your a programmer/developer you have to make a different kind of module to fulfill a task or set of the task of your project/application. Sometimes, the module which you have to build is the solution for a common problem for a lot of programmers/developers. Now think like that there are 1000 random programmers around the world who have the same task to fulfill and they have to build the same module to fulfill the same task. The same module builds by 1000 developers around the world wasting their time. What happens if someone creates that module and publishes it on the public software registry. Any programmer/developer in the world who is looking for a module for that task, able to use that module and fulfill his or her task more efficiently. That is the thing that happens with npm. so, npm is a registry of the js module.🔥 but, we can’t say it only as a registry. Continue the reading, then you’ll catch that why is it.
npm is a short form for “Node Package Manager”.
npm consists of three distinct components,
✨this website (https://www.npmjs.com/)
This is the npm’s official website. You’ll able to find a lot of different kinds of Javascript modules with their documentation and tutorials.
✨the Command Line Interface (CLI)
CLI help us to get and install the js module into our machine. is how most developers interact with npm.
✨the registry
We call it the npm registry, npm registry is a database of JavaScript packages, each comprised of software and metadata. Open-source developers and developers at companies use the npm registry to contribute packages to the entire community or members of their organizations, and download packages to use in their own projects. Actually, it is a public registry.
Follows are the advantages of npm,🏃♂️
- Adapt packages of code for your apps, or incorporate packages as they are.
- Download standalone tools you can use right away.
- Run packages without downloading using npx.
- Share code with any npm user, anywhere.
- Restrict code to specific developers.
- Create organizations to coordinate package maintenance, coding, and developers.
- Form virtual teams by using organizations.
- Manage multiple versions of code and code dependencies.
- Update applications easily when underlying code is updated.
- Discover multiple ways to solve the same puzzle.
- Find other developers who are working on similar problems and projects.
📚Resource from https://npmjs.com/ and Telusko YouTube channel.